Enriching lives Sharing well-being

Are you looking for books out of the ordinary? Are you seeking a life of calm, strength and inner power? Welcome. My name is Dawn Bramwell and I am an author of transformational novels and a creative wellbeing guide.
I describe my novels as transformational as they take the characters within them, and therefore the reader, on a journey of deep soul discovery. Whether adult or child, we all have to deal with life changing events. How we respond to these events is unique to us. I explore this in my writing...
Explore my books Transformation, Magic, and Healing

The Wolves That Lie Within
Supernatural romance

A Secret Love For Eve
Magic of Maypoleton Book One

Darkness In The Valley
Joe Clovelly book one: a scary, supernatural adventure.
A Twin Flame For Fae
Awaiting publication Magic Of Maypoleton Book Two
Murder In The Valley
Awaiting publication Joe Clovelly Book Two
Bodii, Dragon Rider
Awaiting publication
Well-being Services
Holistic Wellbeing Services: Guidance for Mind, Body, and Spirit

Latest news and updates
13 . 05 . 24

The importance of One
They say three is the magic number and I believe this with regard to the law of threefold - that which you create comes back to you three times over, at least!
06 . 05 . 24

How is your relationship with your creativity?
We spend a lot of time thinking about the relationships in our life, but do we ever pause to consider that one of the most important may be that of our creativity?
05 . 03 . 24

The story behind the Storey
My first book launch took place at the Storey building in Lancaster, my new home town.
04 . 03 . 24

Be who you are meant to be
This has to be one of the most simple statements and yet the most difficult to attain.
16 . 01 . 24

Belle. My White Wolf Within
I could say she was my dog, but she was so much more than that. My constant companion during the darkest of days.
08 . 01 . 24

Soul Connection
Swans mate for life. As humans we seek that relationship where we feel that our souls are inextricably linked.
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